
A. Kulturni svetniki in kanonizacija: slovenski in evropski kontekst

[Cultural Saints and Canonization: Slovenian and European Context]
Ljubljana, May 14–15, 2015; Slovenian conference (22 participants, organized by ZRC SAZU)

  • Marijan Dović: O kulturnih svetnikih in kanonizaciji (uvod)
  • Miran Špelič: Kanonizacijski postopki v Cerkvi v preteklosti in danes
  • David Movrin: Evropska hagiografija med Bogom in narodom
  • Marko Marinčič: Pesniška samoposvetitev in translatio imperii: Vergilij, Petrarka, Prešeren
  • Marko Juvan: Svetovljenje Prešerna
  • Alenka Koron: Življenjepisne prakse v kanonizacijskem procesu: vzorci legende v Prešernovih biografijah
  • Andraž Jež: Slovenska recepcija Stanka Vraza in njena naddoločenost s Prešernovim kulturnim svetništvom
  • Martina Ožbot: »La questione della lingua« in kanonizacija nekaterih italijanskih klasikov
  • Irena Samide: Evropski kulturni svetnik Friedrich Schiller in njegova kanonizacija na Slovenskem
  • Miha Javornik: Od ideologije do ideologije ob biografiji A. S. Puškina
  • Urška Perenič: Književniki v poimenovanjih ulic v ožjem središču slovenskega glavnega mesta: Prostorska analiza z GPSV in Google Earth
  • Mira Miladinović Zalaznik: Kako se je razvijal uporni kranjski grof Anton Auersperg, nemški pesnik Anastazij Grün, in kakšen vpliv je to imelo na našo podobo o njem?
  • Monika Deželak Trojar: Kanonizacija A. M. Slomška v verskem in kulturnem kontekstu
  • Božidar Jezernik: »Oče slovenskega naroda«
  • Luka Vidmar: Plečnik in Gaudí: (Kulturna) svetnika?
  • Marina Protrka Štimec (Zagreb): Komemorativne svečanosti i proizvodnja nacionalnih klasika: Primjeri iz hrvatske književnosti 19. st.
  • Marija Šarović (Beograd): Kulturne ikone u Srbiji XIX veka
  • Bojan Baskar: Njegoš med dvema svetništvoma: Slavljenje nacionalnega pesnika in vladarja ob dvestoti obletnici njegovega rojstva
  • Jola Škulj: Vloga nacionalnega, kozmopolitizem in kanonizacija
  • Nikolai Jeffs: Britanska rekanonizacija in nigerijska dekanonizacija afriške literature: Chinua Achebe, roman in biafrska vojna
  • Klemen Senica: Znova odkriti Nakajima Atsushi: V iskanju prvega postkolonialnega avtorja
  • Jernej Habjan: V čem je kulturni svetnik kulturen? Svetnik in poet med življenjem in delom

B. The Romantic (Be)Longing and National Poets: Imagining a Nation in European 19th-Century Literatures

Dublin and Galway, August 24–28, 2015; thematic panel at the 6. REELC/ENCLS congress (11 participants, organized by ZRC SAZU and REELC/ENCLS)

  • Marijan Dović: The Romantic (Be)Longing and National Poets: Introduction
  • Marko Juvan: The Aesthetics and Politics of Belonging: Prešeren between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
  • César Domínguez: Rosalía de Castro’s Familienroman. Autobiography in La hija del mar
  • Manus O’Dwyer: The Poetics of (Non)Belonging: José Ángel Valente
  • Jola Škulj: Longing for the Self, Longing for the Other and Canonization
  • Sándor Hites: “Let Us Bless the Cradle that Rocked Him Hungarian”: The Making of Petőfi as a National Poet
  • Carmen Popescu: Belonging to Several Traditions: National Heritage and Foreign Influences in Romanian Poetic Modernism
  • Dimitar Kambourov: Hristo Botev: The Ekstasis of Non-Belonging
  • Urška Perenič: Streets Named After National Poets and Writers in Major European Cities
  • Katre Talviste: When the Nation Wasn’t Looking: 19th-Century Estonian Poets’ Vision of Their People and Their Mission in Private Documents
  • Arne Merilai: Longing for Independence in 19th-Century Estonian Literature
Marijan Dović, Urška Perenič, Marko Juvan, and Narvika Bovcon at the courtyard of the NUI in Galway

C. Canonization of Cultural Saints: Commemorative Cults of Artists and Nation-Building in Europe

Amsterdam, October 28–30, 2015; international conference (20 participants, organized by ZRC SAZU and University of Amsterdam)

  • Joep Leerssen (keynote): Canonicity and Veneration: Secular Religion and National-Cultural Hero-Worship 
  • Marijan Dović (keynote): Canonizing Cultural Saints: A Model
  • Christian Noack: The ’Plagues of Egypt’, or: the Riddles of the Shevchenko Cult
  • Bela Tsipuria: Ilia Chavchavadze: Georgia’s Cultural Saint and the Saint of Georgian Orthodox Church
  • Bojan Baskar: Re-Canonization of Njegoš as the Montenegrin Poet
  • Andrei Terian: Prophet, Martyr, Saint: Mihai Eminescu’s Lateral Canonization
  • Roman Koropeckyj: Taming a Romantic: The Canonization of Adam Mickiewicz
  • Levente Szabo: From Cultural Saints to Literary Celebrities. The Cult of Ferenc Kazinczy and the Rising Market of Hungarian Cultural Sainthood in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
  • David Fishelov: H. N. Bialik the Prophet and the Modern Hebrew Canon
  • Andraž Jež: Cultural Saints, Alternatives, and Negatives. Prešeren vs. Vodnik, Koseski, and Vraz
  • Alenka Koron: Patterns of Hagiography in Biographies of France Prešeren
  • Jón Karl Helgason: Modern Postulators of Jónas Hallgrímsson’s Cultural Memory
  • Simon Halink: A Story of Many Snorris: The Canonization of Snorri Sturluson in Iceland, Norway and Denmark
  • Andreas Stynen: “Altars of the Flemish movement”: Tombstones and Rituals of Nation-Building
  • Irena Samide: The Role of Educational Apparatus in Constituting Friedrich Schiller as the Cultural Saint in Central Europe
  • Franca Sinopoli: Political and Literary Italian Icons: The Mazzini Case
  • Luka Vidmar: Architects Antoni Gaudí and Jože Plečnik: Cultural and Catholic Saints?
  • Magí Sunyer: Jacint Verdaguer as a Catalan Cultural Saint (with a response from Jaume Subirana)
  • Ann Rigney and Joep Leerssen: Discussion and Conclusion 

D. D. Cultural Saints and Romantic Nationalism in Europe

Ljubljana, September 6, 2017; presentation of the Slovenian and European project and a round table (guest lecturer: Joep Leerssen, Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe)